What are foot orthoses?


Foot Orthoses or Orthotics are medical devices that improve the way your feet and legs work when you walk or run. They are prescribed and adjusted or customized to your specific needs.


Your Podiatrist or Foot Specialist considers the following things when prescribing your Orthotics,


    * Your medical problem.

    * Your foot structure and posture.

    * Your footwear. The shoes the devices will be used in.

    * Your activities. Work and leisure.



Are foot Orthoses or Orthotics the same as insoles?


Definitely NOT! Foot Orthoses are very different from the shoe insoles that you can buy in shops.


Mass produced insoles are shaped to fit an average, low arched foot. Their effects are random, unpredictable and usually temporary because foot pressure soon compresses the material.


The superior benefits of OrthoGait Foot Orthoses are come from the knowledge and experience that the Foot Specialist uses in choosing the correct sort of device and customizing specifically to your needs.



Who need OrthoGait?


People suffer from foot pain at some stage in their lives either for many reasons such as an injury, poor fitting footwear or overuse.


Sports people.


People have foot problems, such as flat feet; hallux valgus; heel spurs; hammer toes; high instep; diabetic foot; IID(limb length discrepancy, shorter leg); callus(calluses,bunions,corns); cracks(cracked heels); fungus; verrucae, etc.,



What are the functions of OrthoGait?


OrthoGait can correct dysfunctional biomechanics and improve your gait. It can reduce your foot pain.


    * Provide support

    * Prevent or halt the development of foot deformity

    * Provide better positioning

    * Relieve pressure on a certain area of your foot

    * Improve the overall biomechanical function of your foot

    * Improve pelvic alignment

    * Reduce lower limb torsion and knee stress

    * Optimize the function of the lower extremity, and improve your gait.



Why do I Need OrthoGait?


To reliease your foot problems.


Match the shape of the sole of the foot ( with the foot in a desired and stable position)


Optimize the function of the lower extremity and improve your gait.



What should I expect?


Your feet and legs might feel different at first. This is because your body is adapting to the changes in how the feet and legs are working and it usually takes 2 to 3 days. After that your feet will feel better with OrthoGait than without them.


Your symptoms should be significantly improved within one week of receiving the devices because research has shown that OrthoGait is a very reliable and effective form of the therapy.



What if they don’t help?


Return to your Foot Specialist ASAP if your symptoms are not relieved or become worse!


The devices should not cause discomfort or pain. Your Foot Specialist will re-assess your problem and make any required adjustments to your Orthotics.


If the pain is still not reduced or becomes worse, this is a warning that a fracture, infection, or other problem might exist.



Which shoes should I wear them in?


Ideally OrthoGait Foot Orthoses should be worn whenever you are standing, walking or running. Different styles of shoes require different types of OrthoGait and so your Foot Specialist has probably fitted them to the shoes you wear when you are most active.


You can change them from one pair of shoes to another but be sure that the arch portion is in the correct position under your foot.



Does it take time to get used to OrthoGait insoles?


Most of our customers will find them comfortable immediately after inserting in their shoes. Some people, however, need 2 or 3 days to get used to them for OrthoGait to mold to your feet.



Should I go back to the foot specialist for follow-up?


Yes! OrthoGait Foot Orthoses are a form of medical therapy in which the devices should be reviewed and adjusted in relation to how your body is responding to them.


Your Podiatrist or Foot Specialist will assess your progress and fine-tune the OrthoGait so that you get the best results possible.


You must definitely go back and tell the Foot Specialist if the symptoms are not being relieved or are becoming worse or if the foot orthoses are hurting your feet.


Always follow the advice of you health Professional.



How do OrthoGait foot orthoses work?


They are fitted and adjusted to provide optimal support and stimulation to the sole of your foot and also to apply specific forces to parts of the foot.


Scientific research has shown that Foot Orthoses have 5 main effects.


    1. They improve the posture and movement of the joints in the foot, which controls excessive flattening or pronation and improves body alignment.

    2. They reduce the forces that are causing pain in overstressed parts of the body.

    3. They change the distribution of pressure on the sole of the foot so that it is more evenly supported and stimulated.

    4. They improve balance and stability and can help prevent falls in elderly people.

    5. They change the activity of muscles in many parts of the body.


These effects are very significant, which is why it is so important that the devices are properly fitted and adjusted to suit your specific needs.



How much do OrthoGait foot orthoses have to be customized?


Your Podiatrist or Foot Specialist decides this after examining the structure of your feet and legs and assessing how they are working.


The shape and design technology in the product may be appropriate for your needs with little or no further adjustment.


The shape of OrthoGait can be changed by heating and re-moulding it directly to your foot or to a mould taken from your foot.


OrthoGait can be further customized by either grinding away or adding on additional material such as wedges to apply desired forces to certain parts of the foot.



Can I clean my OrthoGait if they get dirty?


Yes. Wash them with warm soap and water as you would when washing your hands. Then rinse and dry them and replace in the shoes.


The foam material has a closed cell structure and will not absorb water like a sponge. This also means that the inserts will not absorb sweat and provide a place for fungi or germs to grow.


You will avoid getting OrthoGait dirty if you keep your feet and socks clean. Cleanliness is very important for the hygiene and health of your feet.



How long will I have to use OrthoGait?


OrthoGait improves the efficiency of Gait (walking, running) and reduces the forces that cause stress and pain in parts of the body so, in theory, it would be sensible to always wear them.


You will want to continue wearing the devices until your problem has been cured. After that, most patients prefer to keep using them.


If in doubt, you should discuss this with your Podiatrist or Foot Specialist.


Why are My Feet Being Treated if the Problem is in Another Part of My Body?


Your feet are the foundation of your body.


Over flattening or hyper-pronation of the feet is caused by defective structure or the feet flattening to try to adapt to flat pavements and modern mass produced shoes. Your feet protect themselves from injury by transmitting forces on to other parts of the body.


Improving the way that the foot works reduces these forces and stops them from damaging the legs, knees, hips, back or other body parts.


Podiatrists or Foot Specialists are medical professionals who know how to improve the function of the feet to reduce harmful stress in other parts of the body.



Will my insurance cover the cost of my insoles?


Check with your provider. If you have a health savings plan or a consumer driven health plan those should cover the cost of the custom insoles.



Does OrthoGait come with a performance guarantee?


Yes, OrthoGait come with a 30 day performance guarantee. If you are not satisfied with OrthoGait product, return them to your supplier within 60 days and receive your money back in full.


Please Note: This guarantee is only valid with a proof of purchase, and is not good for misused, abused or improperly cleaned OrthoGait product. This guarantee is subject to the Podiatry clinic return policy.



Appreciate Your Feet!


Our Human feet enable us to stand and walk efficiently on two legs. They are flexible, adaptable, and resilient. The small bones, muscles and ligaments of the feet are very resistant to the large forces that pass through them when we walk or run.


We develop problems related to overuse, walking on flat paved surfaces or wearing inappropriate mass-produced shoes.


A Podiatrist or Foot Specialist can treat and prevent these problems by assessing your feet and legs and optimize the way they work with customized foot orthoses like OrthoGait.


Everyone should take advantage of this significant and cost-effective investment in his or her health.



“The human foot is a masterpiece of engineering and a work of art.”     ----- Leonardo da Vinci.